RCS Fresno

RCS Fresno Sexual Assault Counselor Training

Spring Break Training for RCS Fresno Sexual Assault Counselor Training* Please CLICK HERE for registration. Cost is $50 with eManual or $55 with hardback manual and eManual due the first day of training, March 30 at 8 am.
The training schedule is as follows:
March 30 to April 3 from 8 am to 5 pm. Location to be announced
For any questions, please email Priscilla Meza at [email protected] or please call our Fresno office at 559-497-2900.
*Please note that the training does not automatically make you an advocate, you must work or volunteer with that given state certified agency & other sister agencies may request for you to go through their own training.

Victim Service Collaborative meeting

RCS Fresno Advocate will be representing RCS at the Victim Service Collaborative meeting held in Reedly. VSC is a collaboration between 30+ agency’s in sharing resources, making connections, and growing working relationships between agencies. For more information please contact RCS Fresno at 559-497-2900