RCS Fresno

In-service – Huron Police Department

RCS Fresno will be at Huron Police Department to provide an in-service to the men and women in Blue!

Topics include but not limited to 24 hour crisis line, penal codes, and available service that RCS provides.

RCS Fresno 41st Anniversary!

RCS Fresno is celebrating it 41st Anniversary at Fresno Deputy Sheriffs Association from 5 pm to 8:30 pm, located on 1360 Van Ness Ave. Fresno, CA 93721.

Cost: $ 65.00 Per seat or $ 480.00 Per table of eight

Share dinner by Catering by Kevin, music by Patrick Contreras and a live and silent auction called by Leroy Grider.

For more information on sponsorship please download the rcs_sponsorship_form and submit your reservation of seat, table, and/or sponsorship to RCS Fresno office at 259 N. Blackstone Ave. Fresno, CA 93701.

For questions please contact RCS Fresno at 559-497-2900

Denim Day!!!!

Wear your jeans in support of Denim Day, a day that we stand as one against Sexual Assault!

In the 1990’s a young women was sexually assaulted by a tuck driver in Italy, the courts ruled the perpetrator guilty but was overturned by a Supreme Court Judge with the fact that  the Survivor was wearing tight Jeans and believed she had to have participated in the removal of her very tight jeans which makes her rape a consensual sex instead. Hence Denim Day was conceived in support of all survivors of sexual assault, it does not matter if you are wearing the most loose fitting clothes to the very tightest, no means no!

To read more of the story please CLICK HERE

CSU Fresno Cineculture’s Premier of “The Hunting Ground”

Kirby Dick, the documentary filmmaker has completed another documentary, The Hunting Ground, film that address sexual assault within the college campuses. Mr. Dick is best know for The Invisible War (2012) and This Film Is Not Yet Rated (2006). This is a great film to watch in the sense it gives another perspective to the issues that are coming to light from college campuses.

CSU, Fresno Cineculture’s Presents the screening of “The Hunting Ground” on April 17, 2015. Doors open at 5:30 pm.


For more information please contact RCS Fresno at 559-497-2900; For more information on Cineculture, please CLICK HERE for their contact page

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Sexual Assault Awareness Month

April is a powerful month for all agencies that serve Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence populations since there is a large overlap of Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence primary with intimate partner violence that effect the personnel and professional life such as family, friends, work, extracurricular activities. This is the month that all agencies nonprofit and alike unite as one and take a stand against sexual assault. It should always be remembered that “No” means “No”, when an individual say “No”, it does not mean that their eyes are saying yes or that they are playing hard to get. No man, women, or child wants to be sexually assaulted!

Unite with your local Rape Crisis Center and spread the word. Use social media sites and post pictures of you strutting your jeans (Denim Days), spread the words with #denimdaysfresno or if not a social media advocate, be available if you know someone that needs resources or a shoulder to lean on. For additional ways to show your support, please CLICK HERE

If you have any questions please contact RCS Fresno Office at 559-497-2900

Mark your Calendars:

4/1/15 Sexual Assault Awareness Month Kicks off

For more information please CLICK HERE

4/17/15 Screening of the Haunting Ground

For more information please CLICK HERE

4/24/15 Screening of the Haunting Ground cosponsored by Victimology Department

For more information please CLICK HERE

4/24/15 Denim Days

For more information please CLICK HERE

Additional information please CLICK HERE

4/29/15 RCS Fresno 41st Banquet

For more information please CLICK HERE

Check back on our Event Calendar to view any updated information

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