Marjaree Mason Center (MMC)
Presentation At Marjoree Mason Center
RCS will be at Marjoree Mason Center 40 Hour Domestic Violence Training.
Presention: on RCS Services.
Free Instituto de Promotora Training
(Seating is limited to 40 participants)
The training will offer information on how to establish a Promotora model while advancing knowledge in the field of domestic violence.The training will further provide information on the curriculum Promotoras Contra La Violencia (Promotoras against Violence) and discuss strategies for implementing an empowerment-based model of prevention focused on violence against women and girls, designed for use primarily with Latinas. Upon receiving this training, organizations are able to assess whether they have the infrastructure to implement a Promotora model or determine what is necessary to build a structure that will support the Promotora model.Executive Directors and Outreach staff are encouraged to participate
To register please CLICK HERE
9:30-10:00am Check-in/Welcome
10:00am-12noon Training Sessions
12noon-1:00pm LUNCH (provided by Lideres Campesinas)
1:00-4:00pm Training Sessions
The Instituto de Promotora training will be provided by the East Los Angeles Women’s Center (ELAWC) and in partnership with Lideres Campesinas.
Marjoree Mason Center 40 hr DV training
An RCS Advocate will be at Marjoree Mason Center 40 hour Domestic Violence Training presenting on sexual assault and services.
For more information on Marjoree Mason Center DV training please CLICK HERE or call (559) 237-4706 for more information
For more information from RCS Fresno please contact us at 559-497-2900
The Instituto de Promotora Training
The Instituto de Promotora training will be hosted by Marjaree Mason Center, provided by ELAWC and in partnership with Lideres Campesinas.
The training will offer information and discuss strategies for implementing an empowerment-based model of prevention focused on violence against women and girls. This training is designed for use primarily with Latinas.
Lunch will be provided.
To registrar, please CLICK HERE.
MMC “Through Their Eyes” Exhibit
Marjaree Mason Center is Hosting “Through There Eyes” Exhibit that is being displayed from 19th to the 25th at the Fresno Art Museum. For admission please CLICK HERE
Fore more information please CLICK HERE for the flyer
For additional information please contact Marjaree Mason Center at 559-237-4706
MMC “Through Their Eyes” Submission Deadline
Marjaree Mason Center is hosting “Through There Eyes” which is a curated art exhibit that will feature pieces of art that explores the crime and how it is seen through victims eyes. For more information on acceptable art medium and requirements please CLICK HERE for the flyer.
Due April 6th to Marjaree Mason Center’s Administrative Building
Sexual Assault Awareness Month
April is a powerful month for all agencies that serve Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence populations since there is a large overlap of Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence primary with intimate partner violence that effect the personnel and professional life such as family, friends, work, extracurricular activities. This is the month that all agencies nonprofit and alike unite as one and take a stand against sexual assault. It should always be remembered that “No” means “No”, when an individual say “No”, it does not mean that their eyes are saying yes or that they are playing hard to get. No man, women, or child wants to be sexually assaulted!
Unite with your local Rape Crisis Center and spread the word. Use social media sites and post pictures of you strutting your jeans (Denim Days), spread the words with #denimdaysfresno or if not a social media advocate, be available if you know someone that needs resources or a shoulder to lean on. For additional ways to show your support, please CLICK HERE
If you have any questions please contact RCS Fresno Office at 559-497-2900
Mark your Calendars:
4/1/15 Sexual Assault Awareness Month Kicks off
For more information please CLICK HERE
4/17/15 Screening of the Haunting Ground
For more information please CLICK HERE
4/24/15 Screening of the Haunting Ground cosponsored by Victimology Department
For more information please CLICK HERE
4/24/15 Denim Days
For more information please CLICK HERE
Additional information please CLICK HERE
4/29/15 RCS Fresno 41st Banquet
For more information please CLICK HERE
Check back on our Event Calendar to view any updated information
Free Advocacy Training
Join us!
Free advocacy training by
Nancy K.D. Lemon
of the Family Violence Appellate Project
Parking is free. MCLE credit available. Seating is limited to 40 persons.
Please CLICK HERE for registration
Information provided is from the given flyer above
Check-in/Welcome (8:30-9:30am)
Workshop A (9:30-10:45am)
How to Help Domestic Violence Survivors Lay a Record for Appeal in Their Family Court Cases
- This training will cover what a trial court record is, why the record is important to a DV survivor’s ability to appeal if the family court makes the wrong decision, and how domestic violence advocates and other non-attorneys can help DV survivors prepare their cases for trial and lay a record for appeal without crossing into the territory of providing legal advice. The goal is to provide DV advocates with tools to help them support and work with their clients who are going through the family court process without a lawyer (for lay advocates).
Break (10:45-11:00am)
Workshop B (11:00am-12:30pm)
California’s Statutes Protecting Survivors of Domestic Violence & Their Children in Family Court, and the Science Behind Them
- While California has enacted several key statutes that are designed to protect survivors of domestic violence and their children in family court, these statutes are underutilized in trial courts and there are very few appellate decisions interpreting them. This training focuses on the content of the statutes and how they work together. It also describes the neuroscience and social science data that supports the emphasis of the statutes on preventing children’s further exposure to abuse and strengthening the child’s bond with the non-abusive parent. By grounding the statutes in this data, attorneys and advocates can better explain the importance of the statutes to bench officers and their clients and more effectively represent and support their abused clients who are parents (for lay advocates & attorneys).
Lunch (12:30-1:30pm)
Workshop C (1:30-2:45pm)
“How to Lay a Record for Appeal”
- This training covers the “Top 10” things that trial attorneys can do to make sure a domestic violence or family law case is positioned for a possible appeal. The goals of this training are not only to increase the number of cases available for possible appeal, but to enhance the trial court representation available to survivors of domestic violence. While the training is specific to DV and family law cases, attorneys practicing in other areas are welcome, and the training has broader application insofar as much of it covers civil procedure issues (for attorneys).
The following agencies pledge their support for increased advocacy on behalf of sexual violence survivors in the Central Valley:
Alliance Against Family Violence and Sexual Assault of Kern County; Calaveras Crisis Center; Center for Non-Violence Community of Tuolomne County; Central California Legal Services; Community Action Partnership of Madera County; Family Services of Tulare County; Family Violence Appellate Project; Haven Women’s Center of Stanislaus County; Kene Me-Wu American Indian Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Program; Kings Community Action Organization; Marjaree Mason Center; Mountain Crisis Center of Mariposa County; Operation Care of Amador County; Project First Step; RCS Fresno; The Resource Connection; Valley Crisis Center of Merced County; Wild Iris Family Counseling and Crisis Center of Inyo and Mono Counties; Women’s Center – High Desert; Women’s Center – Youth & Family Services
Marjaree Mason Center Presents “Private Violence” Exclusive Documentary by HBO
Please Join our Community Partner Marjaree Mason Center (MMC) in their screening Private Violence, exclusive documentary by HBO!
Doors open at 6:30 pm
Screening starts at 7:00 pm
Panel Q&A to follow approximately at 8:15 pm
To RSVP and for more information please CLICK HERE
The official Flyer: PrivateViolence_InfoFlyer_Final