Community Education “Sexual Coercion, Rape, and Affects”

California State University, Fresno 5241 N. Maple Ave., Frseno

RCS Fresno will be presenting to Professor Edmondson Psych 179: Supervised Field Experience Course about sexual coercion, rape, and the affects. For more information please contact RCS Fresno at 559-497-2900

Community Outreach at Consulate General of Mexico

Consulate of Mexico 7435 N Ingram Ave, Frseno

RCS Fresno will be tabling at the Consulate of Mexico Distributing brochures and presenting on RCS services to the public For more information please contact RCS Fresno at 559-497-2900

Community Education “Sexual Coercion, Rape, and Affects”

California State University, Fresno 5241 N. Maple Ave., Frseno

RCS Fresno will be presenting to Professor Edmondson Psych 179: Supervised Field Experience Course about sexual coercion, rape, and the affects. For more information please contact RCS Fresno at 559-497-2900