Author: Priscilla Meza

Join RCS, MMC and Centro La Familia in celebrating 21 years of Denim Day, wear jeans today!


We invite you to support and help promote Denim Day Fresno 2020. 

Denim Day is Today April 29th, 2020.

By supporting us we ask you to help spread the word and join our social media campaign in the remembrance that no woman, man, or child wishes to be sexually assaulted and or shamed.  Use hashtags, #IASK #SAAM2020 #DenimDayFresno #RCSFresno, take pictures and show the world that you stand against sexual assault and the 1990’s ruling of the Italian Supreme Court ruling. Learn more about denim day here,

Trans women celebrate Women’s History Month on March 16th


March is Women’s History Month, and Fresno City College is having an event to recognize women writers!

On March 16th from 3:30-5:30 pm, in the Old Administration Building, room 251, there will be a poetry reading. Readers can either read their own poetry or the poetry of another female poet that inspires them (limit reading to 3-5 minutes).

It would be wonderful to have more trans women at this event! This is a free event. Spread the word!

If you are interested in reading poetry at this event, please contact Michelle Patton at:  michelle.patton [ at ] fresnocitycollege [ dot ] edu.

Pics from Feb 16th 1Billion Rising at Fresno State!

On Feb. 16th at Fresno State, Planned Parenthood, Reproductive Justice, Transemotion, Student Pride, Women’s Alliance, POWER, Students for Quality Education, and RCS gathered for dancing and singing as part of the worldwide 1Billion Rising movement.

The event included poet performers, the Raging Grannies, and members of the Feminist Activism course taught by Dr. Jan Slagter.

Participants danced and sang to end gender violence.


The Raging Grannies are experienced organizers for social justice and strong supporters of 1Billion Rising at Fresno State.


Rape Counseling Services of Fresno (“RCS”) interns are Fresno State students who staff the only 24-hour Penal Code 13837 sexual assault program in Fresno County. RCS started in the Fresno State Women’s Studies Program in 1973, and women’s studies students still answer the 24-hour crisis line today, joined by students of social work education, victimology, public health, psychology and community service scholarship recipients.


The artwork for 1Billion Rising was beautiful and original.


Trans E Motion Ball this Saturday (Feb. 13, 2016)

Please join Trans E Motion and friends at the Imperial Dove Court de Fresno Madera for Tranz Ball 2016 on Saturday, February 13th from 5:30pm to 10pm at the Clovis Senior Activity Center at 850 4th St. Clovis, CA 93612.

The Imperial Dove Court is a 501c3 non profit organization that gives back to local 501(c)3 non- profit/ community benefit organizations. This year’s theme is “A Renaissance Affair,” and participation is desired but not required.

Doors open at 5:30pm. Dinner at 6pm. Pageant at 6:29pm To purchase pre-sale tickets, contact Zoyer Zyndel at 559-285-0795. Tickets get you seating, dinner, and the show….Ticket information: $15 presale $20 at the door, day of the event $10 for child 10 and under.

Must show valid ID to purchase alcoholic beverages.Raffle prizes and a night of entertainment! To R.S.V.P on Facebook

Sexual Assault Awareness Month

April is a powerful month for all agencies that serve Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence populations since there is a large overlap of Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence primary with intimate partner violence that effect the personnel and professional life such as family, friends, work, extracurricular activities. This is the month that all agencies nonprofit and alike unite as one and take a stand against sexual assault. It should always be remembered that “No” means “No”, when an individual say “No”, it does not mean that their eyes are saying yes or that they are playing hard to get. No man, women, or child wants to be sexually assaulted!

Unite with your local Rape Crisis Center and spread the word. Use social media sites and post pictures of you strutting your jeans (Denim Days), spread the words with #denimdaysfresno or if not a social media advocate, be available if you know someone that needs resources or a shoulder to lean on. For additional ways to show your support, please CLICK HERE

If you have any questions please contact RCS Fresno Office at 559-497-2900

Mark your Calendars:

4/1/15 Sexual Assault Awareness Month Kicks off

For more information please CLICK HERE

4/17/15 Screening of the Haunting Ground

For more information please CLICK HERE

4/24/15 Screening of the Haunting Ground cosponsored by Victimology Department

For more information please CLICK HERE

4/24/15 Denim Days

For more information please CLICK HERE

Additional information please CLICK HERE

4/29/15 RCS Fresno 41st Banquet

For more information please CLICK HERE

Check back on our Event Calendar to view any updated information

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