Author: Monte Jewell

Getting the Unacceptable Acceptance Letter #Don’tAcceptRape (VIDEO)

Goodby Silverstein & Partners made this video, Unacceptable Acceptance Letters, for Sexual Assault Awareness Month (#SAAM), observed each year in April. The videomakers were alarmed that campus sexual assault injures 1 in 5 of every women attending college in the United States. Most sexual assaults are committed by acquaintances, someone who is already known to the person who is sexually assaulted. The video shows the exciting event of receiving acceptance letters to colleges with a twist: Attending college also means accepting the high risk of acquaintance rape on campus.
By sharing Unacceptable Acceptance Letters with the hashtag #DontAcceptRape, you can help raise awareness of the risk of acquaintance rape and the need to take action on college campuses.


“Siri, can you help me?” Now Siri can. After working in collaboration with RAINN (Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network) Apple has updated Siri to respond to statements such as “I was raped” and “I was abused” correctly as well as empathically. When disclosing such statements, Siri will suggest calling the National Sexual Assault hotline for help.  This change was brought by a study that was done researching how smartphone assistants responded when asked for help. Apple will continue their partnership with RAINN in hopes to better Siri.

For the original article posted on ABC, click here.

For the abstract of the study, click here.

Share the news! WAMFF on May 6th at 5pm at the Tower Theatre in Fresno!


Don’t miss WAMFF!

Join the Women’s Art and Music Festival of Fresno on May 6th at 5pm at the Tower Theatre on 815 E. Olive Avenue in the awesome Tower District of Fresno.

General admission is $10.00, student admission is $5.00 for a night of music, dance, performance and fun to raise money for Women’s Studies Program internships at Rape Counseling Services of Fresno (“RCS). The Women’s Studies Program, RCS and Fresno State students are joining together to create awareness of gender based violence while celebrating local women’s talent.


Valerie Quinonez
Lauren Baker

AJ’S Hip Hop Dancers
Fattycakes and The Puff Pastries
Ghost Meat
Sci-Fi Caper

Food-Truck cuisine
Desserts and Breads by local bakers
Alcoholic Beverages 21+

Come to WAMFF on May 6th!