Pics from Feb 16th 1Billion Rising at Fresno State!

On Feb. 16th at Fresno State, Planned Parenthood, Reproductive Justice, Transemotion, Student Pride, Women’s Alliance, POWER, Students for Quality Education, and RCS gathered for dancing and singing as part of the worldwide 1Billion Rising movement.

The event included poet performers, the Raging Grannies, and members of the Feminist Activism course taught by Dr. Jan Slagter.

Participants danced and sang to end gender violence.


The Raging Grannies are experienced organizers for social justice and strong supporters of 1Billion Rising at Fresno State.


Rape Counseling Services of Fresno (“RCS”) interns are Fresno State students who staff the only 24-hour Penal Code 13837 sexual assault program in Fresno County. RCS started in the Fresno State Women’s Studies Program in 1973, and women’s studies students still answer the 24-hour crisis line today, joined by students of social work education, victimology, public health, psychology and community service scholarship recipients.


The artwork for 1Billion Rising was beautiful and original.
